First blog on Office‐Tips user tips for software

First blog on Office‐, user tips for software

Friday first of February 2019 was the First blog on Office‐ published. Together with the .net version did we also publish the Norwegian version of the blog, Firstly the Office-tips blogs will contain tips and tricks that hopefully will make it easier to use Excel and other Microsoft Office products.

First blog on Office‐, user tips for software

For example giving knowledge about shortcuts that is forgotten or we did not know existed. Another examples can be short codes and formulas that makes daily office tasks easier to deal with.

Blogsand user tips for Microsoft Office products

For new and experienced computer users

This will not be the place for superusers of Excel and other Office products. In particularly it is more of a emergency help to those who needs Excel to make small datasheets at their work place or private. But off course, everyone is welcome to read, learn and use it for easy access to nice to know features.

On this site shall it be easy to find great tips that makes Excel use better and easier.  In addition we will also share some of our nice and user-friendly Excel workbooks. For example workbooks for personal finance, time-management, travel bills, travel log and so on. These workbooks will be available for downloading.

Posibility to make print-outs

The plan is to make all articles published available for printing. Therefore we will try to make a PDF version of everything that we publish. In time it might become a book, LOL. That is why all articles has a PDF icon at the start of the article, this should link to a PDF file of the same article.

Blog's about WordPress

The most important reason why the blog is launched is for us to learn more about several fields in software technology and internet. Particularly we will look into building more competence in Excel and other Office products. But it might also included WordPress, web programming, internet commercial channels and so on.

Basically, as many ways of the computer and internet universe as possible. Furthermore it should not come as a surprise if there is published articles about other stuff than the Microsoft Office products. Because of this there will be ads on the office-tips sites. Basically because we also want to learn about the commercial part of internet and hopefully cover some of the expenses that follows sites like this.

The blog will be a place for tips and tricks to make it easier to use Microsoft office and other daily use software products.

Hope you liked the intention by this site told in First blog on Office‐

More tips and tricks on….

Microsoft Excel keyboard and mouse shortcuts

Microsoft Excel keyboard and mouse shortcuts

In most data programs, for instance Excel it makes the user experience so much better it you have knowledge about some keyboard and mouse shortcuts. As a result of this we made this session consists of a set of Microsoft Excel keyboard and mouse shortcuts.

Click here to learn some nice to know keyboard and mouse shortcuts. article overview

Maybe you wish to read more of our articles, for example WordPress, Word Excel i.e. Therefore have we made a list with a full overview of all articles. Just [click here] to see it.

If it is specifically user guidance to Excel your looking for? Then the best spot is the page that gives an overview of all Excel posts. Find the Excel list by [Clicking here].

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